Reality Levels (in the magical realism mood) (stage en anglais)

Omar Galvan
jeudi 28 novembre 2019 à 10:00
Manding'Art, Rue Docteur Paul Pujos, Toulouse, France

An Omar’s pure research. Omar Argentino Galvan share his particular and evolving work always researching dramaturgy paths and performing resolutions not generally explore in the improv. The poetic movement. The Magic Realism as an excuse and inspiration to learn and generate a new mood to play. Ghosts, the not living character, the reelection of empty space, reality planes, transitions.
A key workshop to discover and understand a Latin American style of improvisation as a theatrical expression.

  • de 10h à 17h
  • stage ouvert aux improvisateurs ayant minimum 1 an d’expérience

Tarifs :

    • normal : 70€
    • early bird (4 jours min. avant le début du stage) : 60€
    • adhérent Bulle Carrée : 55€
    • groupe de 4 personnes minimum : 55€
    • groupe de 4 adhérents Bulle Carrée : 50€
    • pass 4 workshops : -5€ sur chaque workshop
    • pass 7 workshops : -10€ sur chaque workshop


Focus sur Omar Galvan

Omar Galvan is one of the main references of the Spanish Improv scene. He’s an improviser, teacher and Impro spectacles creator. Author of the Impro Handbook “From the jump to the fly. Impro Handbook” (“Del salto al vuelo”) and the text “YES, BUT. Improv in its crossroads”. His work is characterized by a particular poetic in scene, a blend of magical realism and theatrical narrative which are resources not often used in Impro theater, like Soundpainting. With his nonstop “Improtour” he worked in five continents, thirty-five countries. He is a bridge builder among improvisers around the world.

Manding'Art, Rue Docteur Paul Pujos, Toulouse, France